The assumption that variables, and their errors, are Gaussian distributed is commonplace in areas such as numerical weather prediction and modeling. Research such as that undertaken by Perron and Sura (2013) has shown that this assumption is generally false for atmospheric variables, and that Gaussian variables in the atmosphere are rare. The aforementioned statement was based on a 62 year long project from daily data taken from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, using the Reanalysis I Project data set. Given this evidence, the need to be able to relax the Gaussian assumption for the errors involved in the data assimilation schemes becomes quite important if the analysis error is to be minimized. By doing so, we may deliver an improvement in the subsequent forecast.Most of the current formulations of data assimilation, for example, variational methods such as 3DVar and 4DVar (which are based upon Bayes theorem Fletcher, 2017), and ensemble methods such as the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF;Evensen & Van Leeuwen, 1996), the (local) Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter ((L)ETKF) Ott et al. (2004); Wang and Bishop (2003), which are based upon a control theory/weighted least squares approach using ensemble members to approximate the analysis mean and covariances, and the Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Kalman Filter, Zupanski (2005), which uses the Kalman filter equations combined with the 3DVar cost function, all assume that the errors involved are Gaussian distributed. Also in linear state estimation, the initial condition x 0 is also assumed to be Gaussian distributed. Other papers that look into non-Gaussian data assimilation methods are local particle filters, van Leeuwen et al. (2019), andLeeuwen (2014) who looked into Gaussian anamorphosis on the EnKF. However, at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University, a theory has been developed and tested, that allows for the Gaussian assumption for the distribution of the errors to be relaxed to a lognormal distribution. In Fletcher and Zupanski (2006a), the theory is presented for the case