Summary A series of adult testicular germ cell tumours consisting of eight seminomas, 14 non-seminomas (including two cell lines) and two combined tumours was analysed by comparative genomic hybridization and, in some cases, by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization. The gain of 12p was identified in all cases and additional material from chromosomes 7 and 8 was found in over 70% of cases, in keeping with previous analyses. Other consistent regions of gain included 1 q24-q31 (50%), 2p16-pter (41%), 2q22-q32 (45%) and Xql 1-q21 (50%). The loss of 1p32-p36 (36%), 9q31-qter (36%), 1 1q14-qter (50%), 16p (36%) and 18p (45%) and the loss of material from chromosomes 4 and 5 (50% and 36% respectively) were also found in all histological subtypes. The loss of 1 p material was confirmed in four cases by interphase FISH analysis and shown, with one exception, not to involve the loss of the D1Z2 locus at 1 p36.3, which is commonly deleted in paediatric germ cell tumours. An association between gain of 6q21-q24 with cases resistant to chemotherapy (P < 0.01) was observed. In addition, loss of chromosome 19 and 22 material and gain of 5q14-q23, 6q21-q24 and 13q were found at a significantly lower frequency in seminoma than non-seminoma. These regions may contain genes involved in the divergent development of seminoma and non-seminoma.