REMERCIEMENTSCe travail a été réalisé au sein de la chaire de recherche du Canada (CRC) sur les Isolants Liquides et Mixtes en Electrotechnologie (ISOLIME). Ce projet s'arrime avec l'un des axes de recherche de la CRC relatif au développement d'outils de diagnostic modernes pour la surveillance des appareils des réseaux d'énergie.Mes remerciements s'adressent en premier lieu à mon directeur de recherche, le professeur Issouf FOFANA, titulaire de la chaire ISOLIME pour avoir encadré et orienté Un grand remerciement à tous mes collègues chercheurs et les étudiants-stagiaires du laboratoire ISOLIME pour la superbe ambiance, favorable au travail que nous avons su créer au sein et en dehors du cadre de travail.Je voudrais adresser mes remerciements à toute ma famille pour le soutien moral et les encouragements tout au long de mes études en générale, mais particulièrement pour la maîtrise en ingénierie.Je tiens enfin à exprimer mes sincères remerciements à mon épouse, Djeneba, pour son inconditionnel soutien et ses encouragements. Unexpected failures cause significant disruption of operating systems, causing unscheduled outages and problems of energy delivery. Extreme reliability is required for distribution to the extent that in case of failure, they inevitably lead to costly repairs, downtime and long possible security risks staff. In addition, environmental aspects such as indirect damage, fires and pollution are at high risk.The increasing need for appropriate tools for the diagnosis of insulation systems of power to non-destructively and reliably led to the development of diagnostic tools such as the measurement in the frequency domain (FDS), the recent years. This technique was found to be sensitive to moisture and insulation aging, that is to say that with this technique it is impossible to predict the real state of the solid insulation of a transformer power and hence to estimate its remaining life.The present research project aims at closing some gaps in our basic knowledge on the dielectric spectroscopic techniques. The main goal is to emphasize the separation between the effect of moisture and aging on the oil paper insulation using frequency domain dielectric measurements. In addition to this main objective, the transformation of measurements performed in time domain to frequency domain with the aim of significantly reducing testing time will be investigated.To carry out this study, accelerated aging tests were conducted on oil impregnated paper insulation used in transformers. The samples of paper were impregnated with oil in a convection oven at 115° C for extended period of 250, 500, 750 and 1000 hours. The analysis of the results showed that it is possible to find a correlation between the degree of polymerization (DP) which indicates the real degradation condition of the paper and the dissipation factor (tanô), indicating the overall condition of the insulation. Indeed, the analysis of the results showed that it is possible to separate the effect of aging and IV moisture of the solid insulation for mo...