First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Fredrik Gustafsson, and my co-supervisors, Daniel Axehill and Isaac Skog, for guidance during these last five years. Thanks for all the interesting discussions and for teaching me to become a better researcher. Just as a control system relies on expert tuning to achieve precision, your mentorship and expertise have fine-tuned my research, ensuring it operates at its best. I genuinely appreciate your sharing your wisdom with me these last years.The Automatic Control division is a wonderful workplace with a friendly and stimulating atmosphere. For this, I would like to thank my former and current colleagues. A special thanks to Martin Enqvist, the head of the division, for maintaining this welcoming workplace and to Ninna Stensgård for always being ready to help with administrative tasks. Especially, I would like to thank my fellow Ph.D. students and the research engineers for all the activities at and after work. Your dynamic presence has illuminated this journey. I couldn't have identified the path to success without your constructive and entertaining input! A special thanks to Daniel Arnström, Filipe Barbosa, Anton Kullberg, and Anja Hellander for proofreading. I am very grateful for your feedback.The research work in this thesis has been supported by the Sweden's Innovation Agency, Vinnova, through project iQDeep (project number 2018-02700). Their funding is gratefully acknowledged. The project is a collaboration between LiU and Scania, and I would like to thank everyone involved in the project, especially the AI Technologies group at Scania (EARA), for exciting discussions and input to my work, both at the annual meetings and during the visits in Södertälje.To my family and friends: I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for making the uncertain research path a little more predictable with your love and friendship. You are both the "variables" that make life interesting and the "constants" that provide comfort. Without your support, this would not have been possible.Last but not least, I would like to thank anyone who has helped me become a better researcher and teacher during my past five years. The subsequent pages represent the outcome of this enriching journey. Linköping, October 2023 Magnus Malmström ix Contents I Background Part I Background 4