DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004678
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Detection of Pleiotropy through a Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) of Epidemiologic Data as Part of the Environmental Architecture for Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) Study

Abstract: We performed a Phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) utilizing diverse genotypic and phenotypic data existing across multiple populations in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and accessed by the Epidemiological Architecture for Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) study. We calculated comprehensive tests of association in Genetic NHANES using 80 SNPs and 1,008 phenotypes (grouped into 184 phenotype classes), strat… Show more

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Cited by 66 publications
(60 citation statements)
References 54 publications
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“…This is important, as much of GWAS has been pursued in individuals of European ancestry, and PheWAS provides a high-throughput way to contrast association results across populations in addition to identifying novel associations in understudied populations such as African-Americans. Pleiotropy has been highlighted in some of the studies in which SNPs were associated with multiple phenotypes [106,107,114] and replicated in independent datasets [106,107,112,113] . The PheWAS approach continues to develop, in part because the number of datasets that can be used for a PheWAS continues to grow as the amount of highthroughput genotypic and phenotypic data increases.…”
Section: Bringing It Together: Phewasmentioning
confidence: 89%
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“…This is important, as much of GWAS has been pursued in individuals of European ancestry, and PheWAS provides a high-throughput way to contrast association results across populations in addition to identifying novel associations in understudied populations such as African-Americans. Pleiotropy has been highlighted in some of the studies in which SNPs were associated with multiple phenotypes [106,107,114] and replicated in independent datasets [106,107,112,113] . The PheWAS approach continues to develop, in part because the number of datasets that can be used for a PheWAS continues to grow as the amount of highthroughput genotypic and phenotypic data increases.…”
Section: Bringing It Together: Phewasmentioning
confidence: 89%
“…PheWAS began with exploring the association between SNPs and up to thousands of phenotypes, using high-throughput linear or logistic regression depending on the phenotypes [104,105] . These studies using SNPs for PheWAS have been pursued with 116 a range of data sets, such as data from a series of epidemiological studies across genetic ancestry from the Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) I Study [106] as well as with data from the NHANES conducted by the CDC accessed by the Epidemiologic Architecture for Genes Linked to Environment (EAGLE) [107] . These PheWAS analyses included survey, laboratory, and medical data coupled with genetic data for exploring associations.…”
Section: Bringing It Together: Phewasmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…PheWAS enables the discovery of genetic markers with pleiotropic effects, and thus may provide a broader view of the relationship between genetic variation and networks of phenotypes (Pendergrass et al, 2013;Hall et al, 2014). This is highly desirable since recent genetic studies have suggested that many genetic loci appear to harbor variants associated with multiple traits (Solovieff et al, 2013).…”
Section: Phewas Of a Set Of Genomic Markersmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For example, a SNP (rs3135388) that was previously associated with multiple sclerosis was also found to be associated with erythematous conditions. Several recent studies have successfully exploited PheWAS to identify novel SNP-disease associations [54,57,59,64,66,67]. Whereas GWAS focuses on only one disease at a time, PheWAS has the ability to measure genetic associations with potentially thousands of traits and diseases simultaneously, enabling systematic detection of genetic variants with pleiotropic effects [56,58,67].…”
Section: Phenome-wide Association Study (Phewas): Advantages and Chalmentioning
confidence: 99%