“…Real-time PCR was performed by using a Step One Real-Time PCR System (Life Technologies Japan, Tokyo, Japan) in a final volume of 10 µl containing 5 µl of Fast SYBR Green Master Mix (Life Technologies Japan, Tokyo, Japan), 5 mM of each primer (NEGf: 5 , -ATT CCG TCC GTG GTT GCT ATG -3 , , NEGr: 5 , -GCC GAG TGA TCC ACC GAT AAG -3 , , Sato et al, 2007), and 2 µl of template DNA under the manufacturer's recommended conditions (95 for 20 sec, (95 for 3 sec and 62 for 30 sec) 40 cycles). As controls, non-compacted soils were mixed well with TE buffer and DNA was extracted by the same method as described above.…”