Background: As hair testing increases the window of drug detection and permits the differentiation of long-term use from a single exposure when performing segmental analyses (which also allows establishing the pattern of use), this matrix should be considered as a suitable complement to standard investigations in clinical, forensic, and sport toxicology. The authors were recently involved in 3 cases where hair analysis was used to demonstrate the use of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), including ligandrol (LGD-4033), andarine (S-4), and ostarine (S-22). SARMs are increasingly being abused as "safe" alternatives to steroids.Methods: After decontamination using dichloromethane, hair specimens were segmented, cut into very small segments (,1 mm), incubated overnight in a buffer, and extracted using a mixture of organic solvents. Drugs were tested using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and confirmed using liquid chromatography/HRMS.
Results:The determined concentrations were as follows: ligandrol, 14-42 pg/mg; andarine, 0.1-0.7 pg/mg; and ostarine, 3-21 pg/mg.
Conclusions:To enhance performance, SARMs must be used on a long-term basis, which can have serious clinical consequences, including liver damage, myocardial infarction, and blood clots. Hair testing for SARMs has additional benefits versus urine analysis as it can detect the parent compound and numerous metabolites.