I wish to thank Assoc. Prof. Susanna F. Jenkins, my PhD supervisor, for her mentorship, advice, support, inspiration, and infinite patience throughout these last four years. You showed me the importance of being an empathetic and kind supervisor.I would also like to thank Assoc. Prof. Benoit Taine, my PhD co-supervisor, for your support and enthusiasm. Thank you for teaching me the power of programming in Earth Sciences; your class opened a whole new world of opportunities for me.To my Thesis Advisory Committee, thank you, Prof. Mark Bebbington, for always being willing to help me with the statistics when I was a bit lost. Also, thank you, Dr Chris Newhall, for sharing your infinite knowledge of volcanology.To all the VHARG members, working with you these years has been a pleasure; thank you for being such a cool and fun research group. To my friends in Singapore, thank you for all the dances, swimming pool parties, beach days, trips, and good memories. Elly, thank you for being my rock these last few years; I highly doubt I would have been able to finish this journey without you. I will always keep you in my heart, no matter which part of the world we are in. Finally, to my beautiful friends in Spain thank you for always being willing to listen to me complain during hours and for helping me survive these years in Singapore! A mi querida familia en España gracias por vuestro apoyo y por creer siempre en mí. Os he echado mucho de menos estos años y espero que pronto la vida me devuelva cerca de vosotros. Gracias mama por regalarme el libro de tornados cuando tenía 7 años, probablemente no estaría tan obsesionada con los desastres naturales si no fuera ti.Lastly, to my husband Miguel, thank you for being patient and supporting me through this very long journey. Almost equally important (not really), thank you for the long conversations (or arguments, not sure) on why you can't over-fit unsupervised machine learning models; you haven't convinced me yet. I'm so grateful I met you eleven years ago XIII in our failed attempt to be physicists; life had planned something totally different for us. I'm so excited for our next adventure while we freeze to death in the wilderness of Alaska. Love you.