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ABSTRACTModeling Soldier-in-the-loop target acquisition performance is necessary for the development of improved sensors, more effective training methods, and better war game simulations. Accurately modeling this performance requires a detailed understanding of the environment, how a sensor responds to the environment, how it displays information to an observer, and how the observer employs that information to acquire a target. The first three requirements have been met; the fourth requirement, however, has not yet been achieved. Attempts to model the observer's visual and decision-making processes have been compromised by the analysis of the scene, based on physical parameters alone rather than how the visual system interprets the scene. Models based on such scene-derived factors have had limited success.This report takes a two-pronged approach to how future models can be improved by the sensible integration of human visual processing. One prong concerns basic research from the perceptual psychology community. Over the last few decades, this research has generated a detailed theoretical understanding of visual processing and decision making, based on visual information. The other prong concerns important models, modeling frameworks, and scene metrics from the military target acquisition community. Particular attention is paid to issues of clutter, the extendibility of the Johnson criteria, classical and neoclassical search frameworks, the selection of methods and performance metrics, and existing Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate models. Issues related to the validation of target acquisition models are also discussed. iii Abstract (continued)Existing target acquisition models tend to base performance on (a) one-dimensional (1-D) metrics defining the amount of information in the target (e.g., resolvable bar cycles, contrast, area, size, perimeter, speed of motion) and how that information correlates to level of performance in a target acquisition task (i.e., detection, classification, recognition, and identification), (b) search processes that are unrealistic (e.g., that assume random eye movements), and (c) 1-D metrics to define the whole scene (clutter) or regions of the scene (e.g., clutter, conspicuity, attractiveness). These tendencies fail to account for known human behavior, although models incorporating them may be insensitive t...