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ABSTRAK Penilaian serta tindak lanjut tumbuh kembang anak memiliki tujuan sebagai deteksi dini potensi hambatan tumbuh kembang dan keterlambatan tumbuh kembang pada anak, sehingga ketika terdeteksi adanya potensi gangguan tumbuh kembang, dapat dilakukan intervensi sesegera mungkin. Day care dapat menjadi salah satu lokasi deteksi dini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Program ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan orangtua serta terbentuknya program rutin deteksi tumbuh kembang pada mitra. Metode yang diganakan adalah dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan atau penyuluhan, pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang pada anak balita dengan instrument Denver II Screening Test Test dan pendampingan agar tersusun program rutin pada mitra. Berdasarkan hasil deteksi dini terdapat 2 orang anak kemungkinan terjadi keterlambatan perkembangan aspek Bahasa dan 1 orang kemungkinan terjadi keterlambatan aspek Personal Sosial. Disamping hal tersebut, setelah dilakukan Pendidikan Kesehatan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan orangtua terkait deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak dan keberlanjutan program deteksi dini dapat dilakukan oleh pengurus day care. Sebagian besar anak di Day Care The Puri Astuti menunjukkan hasil pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang normal, meskipun terdapat sebagian kecil kemungkinan mengalami perkembangan pada salah satu aspek perkembangan. Pengetahuan orangtua yang meningkat diharapkan dapat meningkatan proses stimulasi pada anak. Keberlangsungan program deteksi dini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan di lokasi mitra dapat membantu untuk menentukan status pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak sehingga intervensi yang sesuai kebutuhan anak dapat diberikan. Kata Kunci: Denver II Screening Test, Deteksi Tumbuh Kembang, Pendidikan Kesehatan ABSTRACT Assessment and follow-up of children's growth and development has the aim of early detection of potential growth barriers and developmental delays in children so that when potential growth and development disorders are found, intervention can be given as early as possible. Daycare can be a location for early detection of child growth and development. This program was expected to increase parents' knowledge and establish a routine growth and development detection program for partners. The method used providing health education or counseling, checking the growth and development of children under five using the Denver II Screening Test instrument, and assisting in arranging a routine program for partners. Based on the results of early detection, two children may have delays in the development of language aspects, and one person may have delays in personal and social aspects. Apart from this, after Health Education was carried out, there was an increase in parents' knowledge regarding the early detection of children's growth and development, and daycare administrators could carry out the continuation of the early detection program. Most children at The Puri Astuti Day Care show average growth and development results, although there is a little possibility of experiencing progress in one aspect of development. Increased parental knowledge can increase the stimulation process in children. The continuation of early growth and development detection programs at partner locations can help to determine the status of a child's growth and development so that interventions that suit the child's needs can be provided. Keywords: Denver II Screening Test, Growth and Development Detection, Health Education
ABSTRAK Penilaian serta tindak lanjut tumbuh kembang anak memiliki tujuan sebagai deteksi dini potensi hambatan tumbuh kembang dan keterlambatan tumbuh kembang pada anak, sehingga ketika terdeteksi adanya potensi gangguan tumbuh kembang, dapat dilakukan intervensi sesegera mungkin. Day care dapat menjadi salah satu lokasi deteksi dini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Program ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan orangtua serta terbentuknya program rutin deteksi tumbuh kembang pada mitra. Metode yang diganakan adalah dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan atau penyuluhan, pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang pada anak balita dengan instrument Denver II Screening Test Test dan pendampingan agar tersusun program rutin pada mitra. Berdasarkan hasil deteksi dini terdapat 2 orang anak kemungkinan terjadi keterlambatan perkembangan aspek Bahasa dan 1 orang kemungkinan terjadi keterlambatan aspek Personal Sosial. Disamping hal tersebut, setelah dilakukan Pendidikan Kesehatan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan orangtua terkait deteksi dini tumbuh kembang anak dan keberlanjutan program deteksi dini dapat dilakukan oleh pengurus day care. Sebagian besar anak di Day Care The Puri Astuti menunjukkan hasil pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang normal, meskipun terdapat sebagian kecil kemungkinan mengalami perkembangan pada salah satu aspek perkembangan. Pengetahuan orangtua yang meningkat diharapkan dapat meningkatan proses stimulasi pada anak. Keberlangsungan program deteksi dini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan di lokasi mitra dapat membantu untuk menentukan status pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak sehingga intervensi yang sesuai kebutuhan anak dapat diberikan. Kata Kunci: Denver II Screening Test, Deteksi Tumbuh Kembang, Pendidikan Kesehatan ABSTRACT Assessment and follow-up of children's growth and development has the aim of early detection of potential growth barriers and developmental delays in children so that when potential growth and development disorders are found, intervention can be given as early as possible. Daycare can be a location for early detection of child growth and development. This program was expected to increase parents' knowledge and establish a routine growth and development detection program for partners. The method used providing health education or counseling, checking the growth and development of children under five using the Denver II Screening Test instrument, and assisting in arranging a routine program for partners. Based on the results of early detection, two children may have delays in the development of language aspects, and one person may have delays in personal and social aspects. Apart from this, after Health Education was carried out, there was an increase in parents' knowledge regarding the early detection of children's growth and development, and daycare administrators could carry out the continuation of the early detection program. Most children at The Puri Astuti Day Care show average growth and development results, although there is a little possibility of experiencing progress in one aspect of development. Increased parental knowledge can increase the stimulation process in children. The continuation of early growth and development detection programs at partner locations can help to determine the status of a child's growth and development so that interventions that suit the child's needs can be provided. Keywords: Denver II Screening Test, Growth and Development Detection, Health Education
Latar Belakang: Pada dasarnya anak-anak autis sering menunjukkan perkembangan yang lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan anak normal. Pemeriksaaan Prelinguistic Scale memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan-kemampuan prasyarat pembelajaran bahasa. Hal ini akan menjadi modalitas seorang anak untuk mengembangkan bahasanya hingga lancar dalam berkomunikasi dengan lawan bicaranya. Adapun aspek penilaian yang akan dilakukan yaitu yang berkaitan tentang responding joint attention, initiation joint attention, gesture nonverbal, nonverbal intention communication, verbal imitation, motor imitation, symbolic play. Autism Spectrum Disorder adalah kondisi neurodevelopmental yang ditandai dengan kesulitan dalam komunikasi dan interaksi sosial, bersama dengan perilaku terbatas dan repetitive. Metode: Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan tahapan persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Sasaran pada kegiatan ini adalah siswa Autism Spectrum Disorder yang mengikuti terapi di Klinik Yamet CDC cabang Padang sebanyak 20 orang. Adapun kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2023. Hasil: Hasil kegiatan pemeriksaan ini dapat dijadikan data sebagai perencanaan program terapi bagi siswa Autism Spectrum Disorder. Diharapkan dengan adanya program tersebut akan melatih modalitas anak dan meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam berkomunikasi.
Starting from growth that supports development, in the end growth and development go hand in hand. An important period in a child's growth and development begins in infancy because basic growth is what will influence and determine the child's subsequent development. The aim of this research is to detect deviations in the development of early childhood children aged 2-3 years at the ECCE Rahmah El Yunusiyyah Padang Panjang through the Stimulation, Detection and Early Intervention of Child Growth and Development (SDICGD) instruments in the Android feature. This research was conducted using a cross-sectional approach. Participants in this study were 26 children aged 2-3 years using a consecutive sampling technique of 10 children whose growth and development were monitored using the SDICGD android application. The results of this study showed that several partisipants experienced malnutrition, one partisipant out of nine normal partisipants. The Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire (DPSQ) instrument of the ten child participants contained nine children (90%) who were according to the developmental stage aged 24-36 months, and one child was not according to the developmental stage. The results of the Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) test showed that three children (60%) were normal, and two children (40%) were hyperactive. Early detection of children's growth and development must be carried out regularly every month, and according to the child's age. For further research, it is hoped that early detection will also be carried out on the development of children's mental health, not just growth and development which is common and widely researched. Schools and parents must play an active role in children's growth and development so that no developmental stages are missed, and children grow and develop according to their age. 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