We describe a new method for constructing a spectrahedral representation of the hyperbolicity region of a hyperbolic curve in the real projective plane. As a consequence, we show that if the curve is smooth and defined over the rational numbers, then there is a spectrahedral representation with rational matrices. This generalizes a classical construction for determinantal representations of plane curves due to Dixon and relies on the special properties of real hyperbolic curves that interlace the given curve.It coincides with the hyperbolicity cone C(f, e) of f = det M in direction e, that is the closure of the connected component of {a ∈ R 3 : f (a) = 0} containing e. This is a convex cone in R 3 , whose image in P 2 is the region enclosed by the convex innermost oval of the curve (see Figure 1). A triple of real symmetric matrices A, B, C is a spectrahedral representation of C(f, e) if M = xA + yB + zC satisfies C(f, e) = S(M ).