ClC-3, -4, and -5 are Cl Ϫ /H ϩ antiporters that are expressed primarily in intracellular organelles. They have been proposed to provide shunt conductances for proton current generated by the vacuolar (V-type) H ϩ -ATPase (V-ATPase) 2 (1). Sufficient ClC-4 and -5 protein localizes to the plasma membrane to readily allow recording of ion currents when these proteins are heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes (2). Unfortunately, recombinant ClC-3 currents have been much more difficult to express (2-4) and interpretation of the currents observed (5-8) has been controversial (for review see Ref. 9). ClC-3 localizes to endosomes (10) and lysosomes (11) as well as secretory vesicles of various types (12)(13)(14) suggesting that the protein cycles through the plasma membrane. Membrane localization of ClC-3 was quantified in cultured fibroblasts using recombinant protein with both extracellular and intracellular epitope tags. It had a half-life in the membrane of ϳ9 min and about 6% of total ClC-3 protein localized to the membrane at a given time (15). A proportion of ClC-3-eGFP fusion protein clearly appears to localize to the plasma membrane of ClC-3 expressing HEK293 cells (8).We recently demonstrated that adenoviral-mediated overexpression of ClC-3 produced novel currents in HEK293 cells at neutral pH (8). These currents exhibited very steep outward rectification and time-dependent activation that was reminiscent of ClC-4 and ClC-5 (2, 16) except that the kinetics of activation were slower. Activation was also significantly slower than observed when much smaller currents were elicited by overexpression of ClC-3 plasmids in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells (11), although rectification properties and the effect of a specific mutation (E224A) were very similar. Changes in current amplitude and reversal potential observed in response to alterations in extracellular Cl Ϫ and H ϩ concentration were consistent with ClC-3 acting as a Cl Ϫ /H ϩ antiporter and deviated significantly from the behavior of an anion channel. These results supported predictions, based upon sequence homology, that like ClC-4 and ClC-5, ClC-3 would be a ClClC-3 is required for proper acidification of synaptic vesicles (12), insulin granules (19), lysosomes (11), and endosomes (20) by the V-ATPase. This acidification process leads to intra-organellar pH values ranging from 5.9 to 6.2 for early endosomes to 5.0 -6.0 for late endosomes, and 4.6 -5.5 for lysosomes (21,22). A Cl Ϫ channel is well suited to provide charge neutralization for a proton pump. However, the realization that the intracellular ClCs are Cl Ϫ /H ϩ antiporters (8,17,18) yielded the surprising requirement that protons move out of the endosome in exchange for Cl Ϫ to provide countercurrent for the V-ATPase. The 2Cl Ϫ to 1H ϩ stoichiometry of this process (23, 24) makes this mechanism feasible, but has led to speculation that the primary goal of this coupled transport system may be to concentrate Cl Ϫ in the compartment rather than to facilitate acidification (18,22). This adds an u...