“…Empirical data, however, have failed to consistently support the proposed parity–GC relationship. While a number of studies across multiple species have found that lower parity females exhibit higher GCs (humans: Bleker, Roseboom, Vrijkotte, Reynolds, & de Rooij, ; Vleugels, Eling, Rolland, & de Graaf, ; rodents: Pawluski, Charlier, Lieblich, Hammond, & Galea, ; nonhuman primates: Bales, French, Hostetler, & Dietz, ; Dettmer, Rosenberg, Suomi, Meyer, & Novak, ; Hinde et al, ), other studies have found no relationship (humans: Bolten et al, ; nonhuman primates: Altmann, Lynch, Nguyen, Alberts, & Gesquiere, ; Kapoor, Lubach, Hedman, Ziegler, & Coe, ; Nguyen, Gesquiere, Wango, Alberts, & Altmann, ; Starling, Charpentier, Fitzpatrick, Scordato, & Drea, ; other mammals: Metrione & Harder, ).…”