This study explores the determinants of foreign direct investment based on panel data analysis. It addresses the relationship of the performance logistics and the shipping connectivity and the foreign direct investment (FDI). This study attempted to fill this gap by estimating the impact of these factors on the FDI, based on World Development Indicators database of 39 developing maritime nations over the period [2007][2008][2009][2010][2011][2012][2013][2014][2015][2016]. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between countries' foreign direct investment and their logistics performance, and their shipping connectivity. The study has the originality to introduce tow logistics variables (logistics performance and maritime connectivity) in addition to controlling variables (exchange rate, and gross of domestic product). Empirical results suggest that the shipping connectivity, as well as the logistics performance, could be determinants of foreign direct investment. Concerning control variables result is in line with some study, the coefficient of GDP per capita is positive and significant, while the ORE has a significant negative coefficient.