“… 22–26 Studies have used the HBM to assess parent attitudes toward childhood vaccinations. 27–32 Globally, the HBM has been used to assess general vaccine hesitancy in Nigeria, 33 the United States, 29 and Korea; 30 measles and rubella vaccines in Romania and Japan; 27 , 34 shingles vaccines in the United Kingdom; 35 influenza vaccines in the United States, 36–39 Japan, 27 and Australia; 40 human papilloma virus vaccines in the United States; 28 , 31 , 41–48 and COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, 21 , 44–46 China, 47–53 Bangladesh, 54–56 Turkey, 22 Canada, 23 Vietnam, 57 France, 58 Saudi Arabia, 59 and Pakistan. 60 Several other studies applied HBM to create interventions to increase vaccine knowledge and uptake, 16 and to create new scales of vaccine attitudes and intentions to assess the effectiveness of health campaigns and advertising.…”