Cereal Chem. 82(1):60-69Roller milled flours from eight genotypes of hull-less barley (HB) with normal, waxy, zero amylose waxy (ZAW), and high amylose (HA) starch were incorporated at 20 and 40% (w/w) with a 60% extraction Canada Prairie Spring White (CPSW, cv. AC Vista) wheat flour to evaluate their suitability as a blend for yellow alkaline noodles (YAN). The barley flour supplemented noodles were prepared using conventional equipment. Noodles containing 40% HB flour required less work input than the corresponding 20% blend noodles due to a higher water absorption at the elevated level of HB flour addition, which probably caused them to soften. The addition of any HB flour at either level to the CPSW flour resulted in significantly decreased brightness (L*) and yellowness (b*), elevated redness (a*), concomitant with a significantly greater number of specks per unit area of noodle sheet compared with the control flour. The addition of 40% HB flour to YAN decreased cook time and cooking losses. Noodle firmness, as determined by maximum cutting stress (MCS), was significantly increased by the addition of 40% HB flour. Noodle chewiness, as determined by the texture profile analysis (TPA), was affected by the type of starch in the barley samples; the addition of waxy and ZAW HB flour decreased chewiness, whereas normal and HA HB flour increased chewiness of composite noodles.
MATERIALS AND METHODSFalcon, a 6-row normal starch HB genotype was obtained from James Farm (Winnipeg, MB) while the remaining 7 HB genotypes were obtained from the Crop Development Centre (CDC), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK. All barley genotypes were grown in 1998. SB90354 is a 2-row normal starch genotype. CDC Candle and SR93135 are 2-row waxy starch genotypes, while CDC Alamo and SB94792 are 2-row zero amylose waxy starch genotypes. The high-amylose sister lines CDC-92-55-06-48 and CDC-92-55-06-54 are 6-row genotypes.The HB samples were tempered to 14.5% moisture and rested for 65 hr before pearling (20%) and milling. Milling was performed with a five-stand mill equipped with 25-cm diameter rolls in con-