C. MASSIMI et al.PHYSICAL REVIEW C 81, 044616 (2010) The (n,γ ) cross section of 197 Au has been measured at n TOF in the resolved resonance region, up to 5 keV, with the aim of improving the accuracy in an energy range where it is not yet considered standard. The measurements were performed with two different experimental setup and detection techniques, the total energy method based on C 6 D 6 detectors, and the total absorption calorimetry based on a 4π BaF 2 array. By comparing the data collected with the two techniques, two accurate sets of neutron-capture yields have been obtained, which could be the basis for a new evaluation leading to an extended cross-section standard. Overall good agreement is found between the n TOF results and evaluated cross sections, with some significant exceptions for small resonances. A few resonances not included in the existing databases have also been observed.