Introduction. The authors specify the areas of application of automatic fire-prevention systems and the objects that they protect; they also substantiate the main principles of their design and development. Rational hydraulic sprinkler arrangement patterns are designed for automatic water fire-containment systems to be installed in large and small premises, depending on the thermal loading of structures.Goal and objectives. Development of recommendations on the use of automatic fire-containment systems and the objects that they protect.Materials and methods. Fire development patterns were subjected to theoretical and experimental research conducted during variable intensity water supply.Results and their discussion. As a result of this research, general engineering requirements for automatic water fire-containment systems and their testing methods were first developed.Conclusions. The first edition of GOST (All-Russian State Standard) “Automatic water fire-containment systems. General engineering requirements. Testing methods” were addressed to the organizations concerned with this area of knowledge; their opinions and suggestions were contributed to another approved edition of this GOST (All-Russian State Standard).