JAYATI DATTA and KIRON K. KUUDU. Can. J. Chem. 59. 3149 (1981). Standard free energies (AG,O) and entropies (AS:) of transfer of hydrogen iodide from water to some aqueous solutions of tetrahydrofuran (THF), dioxane (D), and 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME) have been determined by measuring the emf's of the cell: Pt. H, (g, 1 atm);KOH (in,), KI (in,). solventAgI, Ag at seven equidistant temperatures ranging from 5 to 3YC. In each of these ethereal solvent systems AG,O values of HI, as well as of HCI and HBr obtained from the literature, and particularly of the individual ions, suggest that while H+ is increasingly stabilized, halide ions are increasingly destabilized due to the influence of cosolvent-induced larger "basicity" and smaller "acidity" of the mixed solvents compared to that of water, and both conformed to the expected order: D < THF < DME. Moreover, the relative order: C1-> Br-> I-in all the solvent systems is ascribable to the combined effects of "acid-base" and "soft-soft" interactions and the superimposed quadrupolar interactions in the case of D and the charge transfer to solvent (CTTS) complexation effect, especially on I in the case of THF. Analysis of the entropic contributions, TAStO, and particularly of the relative order of A Y (= TASto (H') + TASP,, (X-))for X = CI, Br. and I, in the light of the semi-quantitative theory proposed earlier by Kundu e t a / . . reveals that at initial compositions, while T H F promotes 3D structures of water. both D and DME break down the same; at higher compositions all the cosolvents disrupt the structure as usual due to packing imbalance. The nature and relative positions of AY-composition profiles also suggest that while increase of hydrophobic groups of the cosolvents increases the stabilization, increase in hydrophilicity or H-bonding sites decreases the stabilization of the 3D structure of water.