potassium was found in the basic amino acid fraction and no detectable amount with the other amino acids. In obtaining the amine fraction, the monovalent cations are removed from the resin with 0.5V hydrochloric acid, but the diand trivalent cations are only partially eluted. The remaining polyvalent cations which are eluted with 6Ar hydrochloric acid usually do not interfere with the chromatography of amines.The acid form of Dowex 50 does not retain strongly acidic amino acids such as cysteic acid and taurine (3) and these are not purified. Such strongly acidic amino acids have not been reported in plants (20). It would be possible to retain these acids and other anions on the salt form of a strongly basic resin while nonionic substances would pass through. Such variations would provide a basis for a more extensive fractionation scheme whereby separate fractions with nonionic materials, anions, neutral amino acids, acidic amino acids, basic amino acids, cations, and some amines could be obtained (10, 17).