a), B. VASV~RI (a), P. DUWEZ (b), L. BAROS (a), J. B O G~N C S (c), and V. M. NAZAROV (c) Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. E.h. P. GORLICH on the occasion of his 75th birthdayThe boron concentration of Fe4,Ni,,P14B,, Fe3,Ni,,Crl,Pl,B, and Fe4,Ni,B,, metallic glasses is measured by neutron activation analysis on both surfaces of the ribbon samples. It is found that the boron concentration is always higher on the bright side of the ribbon than that on the dull side which is in contact with the cold surface of the wheel during the rapid quenching from the melt.A possible explanation is given in terms of the solid-liquid interface moving rapidly from the cooled surface to the free surface when preparing the samples. rIOBepXHOCTHacI HOHueHTpaUHfi 6opa Ha o 6 e~x CTOpOHaX JIeHT MeTaJIJIkIWCHOrO CTeKJIa TpOHHOrO aKTEIBauH0AHOrO aHaJIM3a. YCTaHOBJIeHO, 9TO Ha 6nec~mqeZi CTOpOHe KOH-BpaqaIOlq&iMCfi EHCHOM. no BC& BepOfiTHOCTH3TO IIBJIeHHe MOHCHO 06' bfiCHHTb 6bICTPbIM CocTaBa Fe4,Ni4,Pl4B,, Fe32Ni36Cr,4P12B6 H FeMNi,B2, onpenenfinacb MeTOAOM HeBuempaum dopa Bceraa Bmue, qeM Ha MaToBoB, conpmacamweficx c oxnawnembm cMeqemeM 4aao~oB rpaHaubI TBepnafi-manKafi 4a3a OT oxaamnemofi IIOBepXHOCTH n p~ ~IJCTPOM oxnamneHnn pacnnasa B npouecce n p o~3 s o n c~s a B HanpasneHm CBO-60n~oB IlOBepXHOCTH.