Lymphocyte proliferation in response to proteins from the Brucella abortus strain 2308 (S2308) and the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 0-antigen-deficient mutant of S2308, strain RB51 (SRB51), was measured in S2308infected cattle following abortion. Supramammary and superficial cervical lymph node lymphocytes from infected cattle proliferated most when incubated with 27to 18-kDa proteins of S2308 or SRB51. Proteins of SRB51, which contained no LPS 0 antigens, induced lymphocyte proliferation similar to that induced by S2308 proteins, which contained LPS 0 antigens. These results indicate that 27to 18-kDa proteins, but not LPS 0 antigens, of S2308 and SRB51 are immunodominant in S2308-infected cattle as assessed by lymphocyte proliferation assays.