In this study, the effects of the hole diameter on the buckling behavior of glass-fiber-reinforced, laminated composite rectangular plates were investigated both experimentally and numerically. As the test specimens, E-glass/epoxy symmetric-ply composites with eight layers were manufactured using the hand lay-up technique and drilled with different hole diameters ranging from 10 to 40 mm. The laminated composite plates were arranged with different symmetric orientation angles such as [(0°/90°)2]s, [(-15°/15°)2]s, [(-30°/30°)2]s and [(-45°/45°)2]s. The experimental critical-buckling loads of the plates were found by clamping the bottom and upper edges and then these results were compared with the results obtained with the numerical analysis. The determination of the critical buckling loads for the laminated composite plates with different hole diameters was performed using the ANSYS 12.1 ® finite-element-analysis software. The numerical analysis showed good agreement with the experimental results for different hole diameters and fiber orientation angles. It was concluded that the critical buckling loads strongly depend on the diameter of the hole and fiber orientation angles. Keywords: buckling, glass fibers, finite element method (FEM) V tej {tudiji je bil eksperimentalno in numeri~no preiskovan vpliv premera luknje na obna{anje pri upogibu s steklenimi vlakni laminirane kompozitne {tirioglate plo{~e. Kompozitni vzorci so bili izdelani s simetri~nim polaganjem E-steklo/epoksi, z osmimi plastmi, z uporabo tehnike ro~nega polaganja in vrtanja lukenj razli~nega premera od 10 do 40 mm. Laminirane kompozitne plo{~e so bile izdelane z razli~nimi, simetri~no orientiranimi koti vlaken, [(0°/90°)2]s, [(-15°/15°)2]s, [(-30°/30°)2]s in [(-45°/45°)2]s. Eksperimentalna kriti~na upogibna obremenitev plo{~je bila ugotovljena z vpetjem spodnjega in zgornjega roba, rezultati pa so bili primerjani z rezultati numeri~ne analize. Dolo~itev kriti~ne upogibne obremenitve za laminirane kompozitne plo{~e z luknjami z razli~nim premerom, je bila izvr{ena z uporabo programa za analizo kon~nih elementov ANSYS 12.1 ®. Numeri~na analiza je pokazala dobro ujemanje z rezultati preizkusov, za razli~ne premere lukenj in orientacijske kote vlaken. Ugotovljeno je, da je kriti~na upogibna obremenitev mo~no odvisna od premera luknje in od kota orientacije vlaken. Klju~ne besede: upogibanje, steklena vlakna, metoda kon~nih elementov (FEM)