The nonlinear electric field dependence of particle electrophoresis
has been demonstrated to occur in Newtonian fluids for highly charged
particles under large electric fields. It has also been predicted
to arise from the rheological effects of non-Newtonian fluids even
at small electric fields. We present in this work an experimental
verification of nonlinear electrophoresis in shear thinning xanthan
gum solutions through a straight rectangular microchannel. The addition
of polymer into a Newtonian buffer solution is found to change the
electric field dependence from linear to superlinear for electroosmotic,
electrokinetic, and electrophoretic velocities. The nonlinear index
of each of these electrokinetic phenomena increases with the increasing
polymer or buffer concentration, among which electrophoresis exhibits
the strongest nonlinearity. Both these observed trends are captured
by a dimensionless electrokinetic shear thinning number that depends
on the power-law index of fluid viscosity and the Debye length.