A generalization of the Compton method for determining elements with a low atomic number Z from 1 (H) to 9 (F) by the ratio trueICIR of the intensities of incoherent (Compton) and coherent (Rayleigh) scattering is proposed. The generalization takes into account not only the dependence of this ratio on the effective atomic number of the scatterer material but also the momentum transfer variable x = sin0.5emθλ. The new method is based on the application of calibration function of trueICIR=g()Z,x obtained by measuring scattering spectra at two values of
x1= 0.831 Å−1 and
x2= 1.297 Å−1 with a WDXRF spectrometer. The elemental atomic numbers and their concentrations of binary compounds with unknown compositions are determined by the solution of a system of linear equations. Coefficients of the equations are calculated from the measured trueICIR ratios for the test sample and the regularization solution for the corresponding calibration. The experiments have been carried out for standard samples of single‐component, binary and triple stoichiometric compounds based on H, Li, Be, B, C, O and F. The identification of these elements was found to be possible in the absence of a relationship between the positions of scattering peaks and the composition of the sample, and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition of the material was carried out as part of the solution of a single inverse problem.