mixture twice with 15-ml. portions of 1-butanol, and follow with three extractions with 15-ml. portions of carbon tetrachloride, discarding the organic solvent layer. The last portion of carbon tetrachloride need not be separated. Transfer the aqueous phase to the original Erlenmeyer flask, dilute with 55 ml. of water (use portions of the water to complete the transfer), and titrate with 0.05 7 potassium dichromate solution, using diphenylaminesulfonic acid indicator. Carry out a blank determination in the same manner, omitting the sample.2000 X grams of sample
RESULTSThe results of the determination of 2-hydroxydiethyl sulfoxide and some other sulfoxides (S) by Barnard's method for saturated sulfoxides, and by the modification of this method, are shown in Table I.