A variety of contaminants including heavy metals present in potable water cause numerous health hazards. Arsenic is studied as one of the chief hazardous heavy elements for human beings and other categories of life. Arsenic as a natural constituent of the earth’s crust is present in mineral rocks which are deposited via various natural processes. Apart, Arsenic is also added to groundwater anthropogenically via the burning of fossil fuels, arsenical agrochemicals, wood preservatives, etc. As III and As V are the toxic inorganic forms in aqueous solution and are responsible for cancer, arsenicosis, vascular diseases, and toxicity related to genes, cells, epidemiology, etc. In view of these problems, it is obligatory to detect and decontaminate the potable water from Arsenic contaminations. In this article, a brief description has been given of the most significant electrochemical method due to its advantages like robust, fast, accurate, and less complicated, also techniques such as DPV, SWV, SCP, ASV, and CV had kept the electrochemical method as a diverse and advance technique for sensing process. In addition, the details of the determination and decontamination of Arsenic in potable water via an electrochemical process with a particular focus on SWV and CV.