Iodine value (IV) is a significant parameter to illustrate the quality of edible oil. In this study, three portable spectroscopy devices were employed to determine IV in mixed edible oil system, a new Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (MEMS-FTIR), a MicroNIRTM1700 and an i-Raman Plus-785S. Quantitative model was built by Partial least squares (PLS) regression model and four variable selection methods were applied before PLS model, which are Monte Carlo uninformative variables elimination (MCUVE), competitive reweighted sampling (CARS), bootstrapping soft shrinkage approach (BOSS) and variable combination population analysis (VCPA). The coefficient of determination (R2), and the root mean square error prediction (RMSEP) were used as indicators for the predictability of the PLS models. In MicroNIRTM1700 dataset, MCUVE gave the lowest RMSEP (2.3440), in MEMS-FTIR dataset, CARS showed the best performance with RMSEP (2.2185), in i-Raman Plus-785S dataset, BOSS gave the lowest RMSEP (2.5058). They all had great improvements than full spectrum PLS model. Four variable selection methods take a smaller number of variables and perform significant superiority in prediction accuracy. It was demonstrated that three new portable instruments would be suitable for the on-site determination of edible oil quality in infrared and Raman field.