A series of 22-hydroxy-A''-sterols comprising (3~,5a,6~,22S)-6-methoxy-3,5-~y~l0-25,26,27-trinorcholest-23-en- 22-01 (6), (3~,5a,6~,22S,23E)-6-methoxy-3,5-cyclo-26,27-dinorcholest-23-en-22-ol (7), 3P,5a,6P,22R)-6-methoxy-23-methyl-3,5-cyclo-25,26,27-trinorcholest-23-en-22-ol(10), 3~,5a,6~,22S,23~-6-methoxy-3,5-cyclo-26,27-dinorcholest-23-en-22-01 ( l l ) , and 3~,5a,6~,22R)-6-methoxy-3,5-cyclo-26,27-dinorergost-23-en-22-ol (12) were subjected to epoxidation with /)I-chloroperbenzoic acid and [err-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence of either vanadyl acetoacetonate or molybdenum hexacarbonyl, and the rhreo:eryrhro ratios of the products were determined. The results are of relevance for the synthesis of sterols with oxygenated side chains, such as brassinolide (I). The oxidations of 6 and 7 were er.y~hro selective with all three oxidants, especially with the vanadium-catalyzed system. Peracid oxidation of the 22-[err-butyldimethylsilyl ether (8) and 22-pivaloate (9) of alcohol 7 showed similar elyrhro selectivity to that of the parent compound 7. Allylic alcohol 10 gave exclusively the eryrhro epoxide with all three oxidants, while 11 and 12 were threo-selective under all three conditions. Molecular modeling indicated that eryrhro selectivity in the vanadium-catalyzed epoxidation of 10 was consistent with a destabilizing interaction (~( 1 . 2 1 strain) between the getn-methyl and C(2 I) methyl groups in the conformation required for formation of the rhreo-isomer. The ttrreo-selective peracid oxidations of 11 and 12 were attributed to A''.~) strain between the cis-methyl groups and C(20) in the conformation required for formation of the etyrhm-epoxide. The differences in the calculated energies of conformations leading to the rhreo-and eryrhro epoxide diastereomers of substrates containing no gem or cis substituents proved too small to permit reliable prediction of diastereoselectivity.Key words: 22-hydroxy-A'3-stero~s, brassinosteroids, allylic alcohols, epoxidation, diastereoselectivity I R6sumC : On a soumis une sCrie de 22-hydroxy-Ax-st~rols, comportant les (3P,5a,6P,22S)-6-mCthoxy-3,5-cyclo-25,26,27-trinorcholkst-23-Cn-22-01(6), (3~,5a,6~,22S,23E)-6-mCthoxy-3,5-cyclo-26,27-dinorcholkst-23-en-22-ol(7), 3P,5a,6P,22R)-6-mCthoxy-23-mCthyl-3,5-cyclo-25,26,27-trinorcholCst-23-Cn-22-ol (lo), 3P,5a,6P,22S,23~-6-mCthoxy-3,5-cyclo-26,27-dinorcholkst-23-en-22-01 ( l l ) , et 3~,5a,6~,22R)-6-mCthoxy-3,5-cyclo-26,27-dinorergost-23-n-22-o (12), i une Cpoxydation par I'acide tn-chloroperbenzo'ique et l'hydroperoxyde de re,?-butyle, en prksence soit d'actoacCtonate de vanadyle soit d'hexacarbonyle de molybdkne; on a dCterminC les rapport rhrio/e'ryrhro des produits obtenus. Les rtsultats prCsentent de I'importance pour la synthkse de stCrols portant des chaines IatCrales oxygCnCes, comme le brassinolide (1). Les oxydations des composes 6 et 7 sont tryrhro-stlectives avec chacun des trois oxydants, particulikrement avec le systkme catalysC par le vanadium. Les oxydations du 22-terr-butyldimCthylsilyloxyde (8) et du 2...