This work describes the appllcatlon of varlable wavelength UV detectlon In sorles with the normal conductlvlty detector, In ion chromatography for the determlnatlon of lnorganlc anions.
This comblnatlon of detectors greatly Increases the amount of informatlon that can be collected on a glven sample. The appllcatlon of IJV detection has the foliowlng advantages: (1) ald In the identtflcatlon of unknown peaks, (2) use In resolving overlapplng peaks, (3) help In ellmlnatlng problems assoclated wlth the carbonate dlp, (4) reductlon of problems assoclated wlth ion excluislonIn the suppressor column, (5) ablllty to detect anlons not normally detected by the conductlvlty detector, e.g., stilflde and arsenlte.