THISreview on fluorometric analysis covers the 2-year period from approximately October 1951 to October 1953, and is a continuation of similar previous surveys {182).
BOOKS AND GENERAL ARTICLESA new edition of Radley and Grant's book "Fluorescence, Analysis in Ultraviolet Light" {144) is now in the final stage of publication and is scheduled to be available the latter part of December 1953. Danckwortt {27) has published the fifth edition of his book dealing with analysis in ultraviolet light; however, this is not a revision and is identical with the fourth edition. The author states in his preface that the new edition was published in demand for copies of the book, and because of the difficulty in obtaining foreign publications during the war a revision was not possible. Bowen and Wokes {14) have published a book dealing with the fluorescence of solutions which is designed for practical workers and beginners in the field of fluorescence.