The transport numbers of the chloride ion in the pure molten alkaline earth chlorideshroe been determined. A modified Stokes• law was applied to the motion of the individual ions. Application of the assumptions made in invoking this law gave a qualitative estimate as to the degree of association in MgC1 2 , cac1 2 , SrCl2, Bacl 2 , znc1 2 , and PbC1 2 • Several trends were observed which were consistent with the chemical properties of the salts studied. Because no suitable radioactive metal isotopes were available, tracer studies on metal transport were not ineluded. Stable isotopes could be used in conjunction with a mass spectrometer to determine isotopic transport. The temperature increase due to the passage of current within the membrane was found to be extreme in some cases. Previous transport number determinations in Pyrex cells at high temperatures and high amperage were placed in question. An additional 11 tracer 11 experiment using a foreign univalent cation was proposed, in principle, for following the MCl+ ion.