The rheological properties of concrete are mainly determined by its creep properties, which affect the stress-strain state of the structure over time. In the case of pre-stressing a steel-reinforced concrete structure, forces are redistributed in its section between highly loaded and lightly loaded elements, namely between steel reinforcement and concrete. It should be noted that the supporting frame of buildings and structures (in addition to reliability, safe operation and economic feasibility) must guarantee functional suitability. It is impossible to determine the functional suitability of the structure without a correct prediction of the redistribution of stresses in time between the concrete and the reinforcement, which occurs as a result of the creep of concrete. According to the current norms of DBN B.2.6-98:2009 and EN (Eurocode 2), the criterion for the appearance of the limit state of reinforced concrete structures is the achievement of limit values by the deformations of compressed concrete. Therefore, a detailed study of the rheological properties of prestressed reinforced concrete is undoubtedly an urgent issue. The paper analyzes general information about the creep of concrete and its effect on losses during prestressing, including with the use of modern finite element modeling programs, which allow not only physically nonlinear characteristics of concrete to be specified when creating models of reinforced concrete structures, but also take into account the geometric nonlinearity of the work of composite reinforced concrete structure, but also to specify the rheological properties of concrete, in particular, creep characteristics. Conducted studies of the influence of concrete creep on the work of bent pre-stressed steel-reinforced concrete structures prove that the main reason for the increase in deflections of such structures under long-term load action is the creep of concrete in the compressed cross-sectional area. Taking into account during the numerical modeling of the bent pre-stressed combined structure the influences of the second order, namely the creep in time of the stressed concrete, leads to a decrease in the stresses in the compressed zone of the concrete by 6.5%, but to an increase in the stresses in the stretched reinforcement by 0.6% and , which is most significant, to increase the deflections of the structure by 23%.