Mass spectrometric measurements of 226 Ra/ 230 Th and 231 Pa/ 235 U disequilibria for subsurface axial basalts recovered during Leg 142 of the Ocean Drilling Program were used to determine relative crustal residence ages for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) lavas and to investigate the temporal characteristics of crustal accretion within the axial summit caldera at 9°3l'N East Pacific Rise. Two core samples from the massive "ODP flow," located 0-6.6 m below surface, have lower 226 Ra/ 230 Th and 23ip a /235rj activity ra ti O s than a surface sample from this unit. The subsurface samples also have higher U, Th, and Ba concentrations, and higher Ba/Th but similar Th/U ratios relative to the surface sample. The variations in 226 Ra^3 0 Th and 231 Pa/ 235 U between the surface and subsurface samples can be attributed to differences in crustal residence age of 0.4-0.7 ± 0.3 ka and 0.3-1.3 ± 1.1 ka, respectively. Consequently, this upper extrusive unit appears to be composed of lavas with small differences in chemical composition and distinct eruption and/or magma chamber residence ages. Assuming that the oldest sample represents a stratigraphic and temporal endmember for this upper extrusive unit, a vertical accumulation rate of >IO m/ka can be estimated.