A comprehensive method for the precise determination of Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd concentrations as well as Os isotopic compositions in geological samples is presented. Samples were digested by the Carius tube method, and the Os was extracted by conventional CCl 4 method. The Re, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were first subgroup separated from the matrix elements into Re-Ru, Ir-Pt and Pd by a 2-ml anion exchange column. Subsequently, the Re-Ru was further purified by a secondary 0.25 ml anion exchange column or by microdistillation of Ru using CrO 3 -H 2 SO 4 as an oxidant followed by a secondary 0.25 ml anion exchange separation of Re. The Pd and Ir-Pt were further successively purified by an Eichrom-LN column to completely remove Zr and Hf, respectively. Rhenium, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were individually measured by multi-collector inductively coupled plasmamass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), except for Ru after microdistillation purification was analysed by negativethermal ionisation mass spectrometry (N-TIMS). The analytical results for peridotite reference material WPR-1 agree well with the previously published data. Finally, several mafic rock reference materials including TDB-1, WGB-1, BHVO-2, BCR-2, BIR-1a and DNC-1a were analysed for Re-Os isotopes and platinum-group element concentrations to test their suitability for certification.The platinum-group elements (PGEs) (Rh, Ru, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt), Re and Os isotopic compositions have attracted considerable interest in geological sciences because they are important tracers for the understanding of mantle processes and evolution of the Earth (Shirey and Walker 1998). As a result, the accurate determination of the concentration of PGEs and Re along with Os isotopic compositions in geological materials is very important. Currently, N-TIMS Os isotopic analysis of low-level samples, such as mafic rocks with sub ng g -1 to pg g -1 abundances of Os, typically achieves precisions better than 0.2% 2 RSD for 187 Os/ 188 Os (Creaser et al. 1991, Volkening et al. and accurate determination of Re, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd, especially for low abundance geological samples such as mafic rocks (typically Ir and Ru < 1 ng g -1 ), remains challenging.