“…nondestructive, 3-D morphological characterization of parts of the soil in its 3-phase composition (Hainsworth and soil structure at the microscale level. X-ray CT measure- Aylmore, 1983 and; Phogat ments have previously been used to obtain nondestruc- et al, 1991): tive measurements of water content and dry bulk density (Petrovic et al, 1982;Crestana et al, 1985;Brown et soil (x,y,z) ϭ SV(x,y,z) matrix ϩ WV(x,y,z) water [1] al., 1987;Anderson et al, 1988;Jenssen and Heyerdahl, where soil (x,y,z ) is the linear x-ray attenuation coefficient 1988; Tollner and Ramseur, 1988;Tollner and Verma, (cm Ϫ1 ) of a particular soil volume element as a function of its Hopmans et al, 1992Hopmans et al, , 1994, as well as macropospatial coordinates x, y, and z; SV(x,y,z ) is the relative solid rosity and pore continuity ; Warner volume (cm 3 cm Ϫ3 ); WV(x,y,z ) is the volumetric water content Anderson et al, 1990;Peyton et al, 1992; (cm 3 cm Ϫ3 ); matrix is the linear x-ray attenuation coefficient of soil matrix (cm Ϫ1 ); and water is the linear x-ray attenuation Grevers and de Jong, 1994). In addition, CT has been coefficient of water (cm Ϫ1 ).…”