The effect of proton irradiation with a power of 1·1017 units/cm2 and an energy of 2 MeV on the structure and properties of composite ceramics of the composition ZrO2–SiO2–Al2O3 is shown. It has been established that at this irradiation dose, the phase composition of the ceramic does not change. Calculations using X-ray diffraction methods have shown that proton irradiation creates compressive stresses (stresses of the 1st kind) ranging from ~–1 to –2 GPa on the surface of field ceramics, while microstresses (stresses of the 2nd kind) are practically absent. Analysis of SEM images of the ceramic surface after irradiation showed a chaotic arrangement of macropores in the t–ZrO2 matrix, while pores in zircon particles are located exclusively along the boundaries of inclusions. A decrease in the level of hardness and density in ceramics after proton treatment was noted due to the formation of a large number of pores.