ABSTRACTin oxidation states. Sulfur occurs in soil both in organic and inorganic forms. However, most of the soil S Sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) was used (Ͼ95%) in temperate and tropical ecosystems is present to identify S oxidation states and assess the impact of land use changes on the amount, form, and distribution of organic S in particle-size in organic forms (Janzen and Ellert, 1998; separates and their humic substance extracts. Soil samples (0-10 cm)1998; Solomon et al., 2001a tempted to speciate S into its functional groups using follow its dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems.pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry in aquatic humic substances (Van Loon et al., 1993) and kerogens (Carmo et al., 1997) for characterization of S ulfur is a highly reactive element, existing in several S containing moieties, but this approach is limited to oxidation states and moving freely among the lithospeciation of thermally stable forms of S (Hundal et sphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The accumulaal., 2000). tion and cycling of S are central to many biological Synchrotron-based S K-edge XANES spectroscopy processes and provide a key to understanding changes in has been successfully used to speciate and quantify all the biosphere. Sulfur cycling also significantly influences oxidation states of S in a variety of geochemical samples atmospheric and oceanic chemistry and the global enranging from petroleum (Waldo et al., 1991a,b), coal ergy balance. Therefore, the chemistry of S compounds (Huffman et al., 1995), marine sediments (Vairavamurin the environment has taken on a new significance in thy et al., 1993, 1994), biosolids (Hundal et al., 2000) to recent years because human activities have dramatically soil humic and fulvic acids (Morra et al., 1997; Xia et altered the biogeochemical S cycling in terrestrial ecoal., 1998; Szulczewski et al., 2001). X-ray absorption systems.near-edge structure spectroscopy has also proven to be The soil environment is the primary component of a valuable tool in the identification and quantification the global biogeochemical S cycle, acting as a source of S oxidation states in organic soils (Martínez et al., and sink for various S species and mediating changes 2002 need to conduct comparative studies that involve land cm. Crop residues that remain on the fields are normally use changes, which may help to describe important reaccollected and used as animal feed at both sites.tions of S to long-term management changes. This techWe selected three representative fields from each land use system. After considering the depth of cultivation to minimize nique can be combined with physical fractionation of differences, which may arise due to the dilution of SOM from soil according to particle-size separates, which has been mixing of the surface soil with the subsoil through cultivation, demonstrated to provide ecologically meaningful soil S we used a core sampler (200 cm 3 core volume) and collected pools (Solomon et al., 2001a). Thus, S K-edge XANES nine subsample...