Two water-production systems, one for the Village of Pulaski and the other for the Villages of Sandy Creek and Lacona in Oswego County, New York, withdraw water from the Tug Hill glacial-drift aquifer, a regional sand and gravel aquifer along the western flank of the Tug Hill Plateau, and provide the sole source of water for these villages. As a result of concerns about contamination of the aquifer, two studies were conducted during 2001 to 2004, one for each waterproduction system, to refine the understanding of groundwater flow surrounding these water-production systems. Also, these studies were conducted to determine the cause of the discrepancy between groundwater ages estimated from previously constructed numerical groundwater flow models for the Pulaski and Sandy Creek/Lacona well fields and the apparent groundwater ages determined using concentrations of tritium and chlorofluorocarbons.