We wanted to make a satellite altitude magnetic anomaly map of the large magnetic anomaly in the Central African Republic, the Bangui magnetic anomaly, with data from the Swarm satellites. In the first part of our study, we summarize the earlier investigations and their interpretation. In the second we discuss our data processing applied to produce a magnetic anomaly map. We used the IGRF 12 th to remove the long-wavelength regional anomalies. We will use an inverse procedure, which always requires a solution of the direct problem, and a horizontal polygonal prism given in the Descartes coordinate system. For this, reason the total magnetic anomaly was transformed into the Descartes coordinate system. The magnetization and its direction were used from our previous paper. The inverse problem is solved by the Simplex procedure. Our selected polygon has 14 geometrical parameters however, the inverse problem that is the numerical determination of the minimum problem is solved in the 14 dimensions. The result of our inverse problem was the 12 horizontal coordinates and the two upper and lower data of the polygon. The origin of the Bangui anomaly has been discussed in several scientific reports, either as a deep crustal tectonic feature or the result of a large external impactor. However, according to our inversion computations we cannot make any unambiguous finding for the origin of this feature. The inaccuracy in our total anomaly map is given by the Gaussian error propagation.