We enumerated ground and excited state masses of singly heavy bottom-strange baryons using the Hypercentral Constituent Quark Model (hCQM). The screening potential is used with color-Coulomb potential, as the confining potential. We determine the possible J P values to recently observed excited states like, Ξ b (6100), Ξ b (6227), Ξ b (6327), Ξ b (6333) and four Ω b (6316, 6330, 6340, 6350) states. The Regge trajectories are plotted in (J, M 2 ) plane to assign the J P values and quantum numbers to recently observed states. Using the calculated spectroscopic data, properties such as magnetic moment, transition magnetic moment, radiative decay width, and strong decay width are also investigated for all singly heavy bottom-strange baryonic system.