A series of experiments were carried out in a model‐scale tunnel with dimension of 6.0 m × 1.0 m × 0.7 m to investigate the smoke spread behaviors and the typical smoke layer height. Alcohol was employed as fuel, and the heat release rate was set to be 9.5, 18.4, 30.1, and 63.5 kW, respectively. The temperature profile in the tunnel was measured, and the buoyant flow stratification conditions were visualized by a laser sheet. The experiment results show that the N percentage rule would greatly influence by subjective factors. As the N (10, 20, 30) value increases, the smoke layer height also increases. The results calculated by the buoyancy frequency method were more accurate. Fan's prediction method (Fan WC, Wang QG, Jiang FH. Concise Guide of Fire Science. He Fei: University of Science and Technology of China Press; 1995.161 p.) does not accurately evaluate the smoke layer thickness in tunnel fire. An enhanced empirical formula for predicting the smoke layer thickness in the one‐dimensional horizontal spread stage was proposed. It is shown that the empirical formula could well predict the smoke layer thickness by comparing with the experimental data of previous studies.