4.1 with 0.6 1nl. of 0.001 116 solution. The solutions electrolyzed a t -1.1 volts gave positive tests for the hydrazine when treated with ammonium molybdate in 5y0 sulphuric acid. Positive tests for the hydrazine could not be obtained when the electrolyses were carried out with stirred pool electrodes. In more concentrated solutions, 0.005 M, the value of 'n' approximated four but it was difficult to obtain good measurements because the droplets would not coalesce and these droplets trapped an appreciable fraction of the cell solution. Nevertheless, confirmation of the high current efficiencies obtained by Ruetschi and Trumpler in large scale electrolyses was indicated.
DISCUSSIONThe experiments described herein clearly support the claim that the over-all reaction of diazotized aromatic amines a t a dropping mercury electrode involves a 4-electron reduction. The first wave in the polarographic reduction is due to an adsorption phenomenon which results from the 1-electron reduction to a free radical (1, 2, 6) according to [3], which is evidently stabilized a t the mercury electrode.ArN2+ + e -, ArN?.[3 I This mechanism is also favored from the constitution of the tar isolated by Kochi (7). The stability of the adsorption complex is the principal factor which determines the potential a t which the adsorption current occurs. I t is therefore to be expected that the half-wave potentials for the first reduction waves of a number of diazotized aromatic amines would not correlate with electron densities in the usual way (7). I t would seem desirable to correlate the half-wave potential with adsorptivities of the free radicals on the mercury electrode a t various potentials.