Abstract:The N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed conjugate umpolung of differently substituted a,bunsaturated aldehydes is described. Coupling of these compounds with a variety of trifluoromethylated ketones results in the selective formation of fluorinated g-butyrolactones. Using thiazolium-derived N-heterocyclic carbenes, the unlike stereoisomers are formed predominantly, whereas the imid-A C H T U N G T R E N N U N G azol-2-ylidene IMes results in lower selectivities and the preferred formation of the like isomer.Keywords: g-butyrolactones; N-heterocyclic carbenes; organocatalysis; organofluorine compounds; trifluoromethyl substitution; umpolung The inversion of polarity (umpolung) of electrophilic substrates by addition of nucleophilic catalysts is a versatile and synthetically useful concept in organic chemistry. Recently, the N-heterocyclic carbene [1] (NHC)-catalyzed, [2] chemo-and stereoselective umpolung of a,b-unsaturated aldehydes was developed, giving access to b- [3] and g-butyrolactones, [3,4] bicyclob-lactams, [5] g-lactams, [6] and cyclopentene derivatives. [7,8] The proposed mechanism for the formation of g-butyrolactones proceeds through a conjugate enamine, which represents a homoenolate equivalent (Scheme 1). The intermediates of the catalytic cycle could be validated by ESI-MS experiments.[4d]In our original publication, [4c] we reported the IMes-catalyzed conjugate umpolung of a,b-unsaturated aldehydes and the use of a,a,a-trifluoroacetophenone as the electrophilic reaction partner. This resulted in the formation of trifluoromethylated g-butyrolactones, albeit, with low diastereoselectivities.Fluorinated organic compounds have found widespread applications as active ingredients in drugs or crop protection agents, as materials or in catalysis [9] Scheme 1. Formation of g-butyrolactones by conjugate umpolung.