With the advance in studies on hydrogen permeability of glassy alloys as a hydrogen production technique, attention is also paid to structural evaluation. For the purpose of supplying pure hydrogen gas to the coming fuel powered society, a melt-spun Ni-Nb-Zr amorphous alloy has been developed [1,2]. It is also important to examine their acoustic properties in order to fully understand the hydrogen permeability in terms of atomic configuration for the Ni 42 Nb 28 Zr 30 glassy alloy, consisting of affinity Zr and antiaffinity Ni elements for hydrogen. Ni 42 Nb 28 Zr 30 is a typical metal-metal type alloy consisting of transition elements.Our interests lie in investigating the propagation characteristics of diffracted shear horizontally polarized (hereafter referred to as SH) waves of the (Ni 42 Nb 28 Zr 30 ) 100-x H x (x = 0-15.2) glassy alloys. In sharp contrast to shear vertically polarized (SV), longitudinal (L) and surface (S) waves, the SH waves, which have some practical advantages such as no mode conversion or phase shift and good propagation ability [3,4], have long been of interest to researchers in the field of geophysics, acoustics and electromagnetics. Furthermore, the diffracted SH waves enable to penetrate into the specimens such as thin films and coated layers, etc. However, no previous paper has reported for this subject of glassy alloys with hydrogen, as far as we know. This study will provide useful information for hydrogen effect on the structural morphology of (Ni 42 Nb 28 Zr 30 ) 100-x H x glassy alloys.The rotating wheel method under an argon atmosphere was used for the preparation of glassy Ni 42 Nb 28 Zr 30 alloy ribbons of about 1 mm width and 20 µm thickness from argon arc-melted ingots. Hydrogen charging was made electrolytically in 0.5 M H 2 SO 4 + 1.4 g/l thiourea (H 2 NCSNH 2 ) at room temperature and at the current densities of 200 and 500 A/m 2 [2]. The amounts of hydrogen absorbed in the specimens were measured by the inert gas carrier meltingthermal conductivity method.The structure of the (Ni 42 Nb 28 Zr 30 ) 100-x H x glassy alloys was identified by X-ray diffraction with Cu K α radiation at grazing incident mode. The angle of incident used was 2°.The waveform deviation between two contact lines on the specimens was measured by the use of a bridge with an ultrasonic transmitter/receiver set. Ultrasonic wave pattern analysis was made using a diagnosis and analyzing apparatus [5]; the experimental procedure is described in a previous paper [6].The SH wave transducers were set up facing each other as transmitter and receiver and they had a probe area of 5 × 5 mm 2 , separated by a gap of 10 mm. The SH waves were generated by refraction from a transverse wave PZT [Pb(Zr x Ti 1-x )O 3 ] transducer on a polymer edge. The incident and receiving angles of the SH wave were fixed at 19(π/180) rad, which showed optimum receiving amplitude in a preliminary experiment. To present propagation loss due to high frequency, and signal broadening due toThe propagation characteristics of shear horiz...