The paper describes the analysis of two-component systems with low solubility of elements in the solid α-phase, which includes calculations of the maximum solubility of the poorly soluble component using the laws of interphase transformations and thermodynamic parameters of the components. Two different approaches to calculating the limiting solubility of poorly soluble components in the solid α-phase are considered: under the assumption of ideal behavior of the system and with deviation of the system from ideal dissolution, i.e. under the condition that the αphase behaves as a regular solution. Parametric expressions for determining the solubility of poorly soluble components in the solid α-phase are described. The results of applying these expressions for calculating the solubility of the second component in individual systems based on cadmium, zinc, and tellurium are given. The scatter values of the obtained calculated data on the solubility of poorly soluble components in the solid α-phase when the systems
deviate from ideal dissolution are given.