ulty of Civil En gi neer ing and Ar chi tec ture, Katowicka 48, 45-061 Opole, Po land Ukleja, J., 2016. Sta bil ity es ti ma tion of slopes hav ing their slip sur face de ter mined by means of the STAB-3D method based on slid ing body equi lib rium anal y sis. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 60 (3): 597-609, doi: 10.7306/gq.1276Most of the three-di men sional anal y ses of land slides are based on sim ple 2D meth ods ana lys ing cho sen char ac ter is tic flat sec tions of the ana lysed slid ing body. As sump tions of the method of flat limit equi lib rium anal y sis for a spa tial so lu tion have been elab o rated. This is a com bi na tion of 2D anal y sis of flat sec tional views and 3D anal y sis of the land slide's slid ing body, which dis re gards any stress that does not af fect equi lib rium. It is as sumed, how ever, to ap ply only when deal ing with structural slope fail ure (i.e. when the soil lay ers have the pre dis po si tion to shape the de ter mined slip sur face with a con sis tent decrease and ex plicit slide di rec tion). This can also ap ply when ex am in ing the sta bil ity of a scarp or slope for the lay ered soil of po ten tial slip sur faces and slide di rec tion to be de fined. The ba sic as sump tions, equi lib rium equa tions, and prac ti cal us age of the method have been de scribed for an ex em plary land slide. This method al lows one to de fine in a straight for ward man ner the sta bil ity of slopes, to plan a way of pre vent ing po ten tial land slides, and to con trol those that have al ready arisen.