The extraction of Pu 3+ , Pu 4 + and PuOj + by tri-n-butylphosphate, TBP, and di-(2-ethylhexyl)-orthophosphoric acid, HDEHP, has been studied by means of batch experiments. The ex tractants were adsorbed on a grained powder of polytrifluoromonochlorethylene. Solutions of four mineral acids, HNO,, HCl, HC10 4 and H, S0 4 , with concentrations between 0.1M and ΙΟΛί have been chosen as the aqueous phases. The plutonium concentrations were determined in both phases by delayed neutron counting of fission prod-. ucts subsequent to irradiations with reactor neutrons. Column experiments with HDEHP-silica gel as the stationary phase were performed including the relatively unstable species PuOj. These experiments indicated that separations of the plutonium oxidation states in trace amounts suffer from the reducing action of the extractant.