SYNOPSIS IN INTERLINGUA LE INFLUENTIA DEL VELOCITATE DEL FLUXO SUPER LE CONCENTRATION DE ACIDO URIC IN HUMAN SALIVA PAROTIDIC E SUBMANDIBULAR.-Esseva constatate un correlation inverse inter le concentration de acido uric e le velocitate del fluxo in saliva submandibular e parotidic. In saliva parotidic, le concentration de acido uric declinava ab 4,1 ± 0,43 mg per 100 ml a lente velocitates de fluxo ad 1,7 ± 0,28 mg per 100 ml a rapide velocitates de fluxo. Le concentrationes esseva plus basse in saliva submandibular, i.e., 3,3 ± 0,46 mg per 100 ml e 1,3 ± 0,12 mg per 100 ml, respectivemente.In studios de acido uric, saliva deberea esser colligite quando le velocitate del fluxo es superior a 1 ml per minuta, viste que sub ille conditiones pauc variation occurre in le augmentos del concentration e precise mesurationes del rapiditate del fluxo non es necessari.Although it was suggested more than 25 years ago that estimation of the uric acid concentration in saliva might be a better index of uric acid production in the body than the acid concentration in blood or urine," 2 few studies have been made of this constituent of saliva. One recent review contains no reference to uric acid concentration in saliva,' and in another, it is wrongly concluded from the evidence cited that stimulation of the salivary secretion results in an increase in uric acid concentration.'The concentration of uric acid in mixed saliva has been reported as ranging from 0.5 to 20.6 mg/100 ml,', 2, 5-7 and in the only study in secretions from an individual gland, the concentration of uric acid in the parotid saliva collected with paraffin-wax stimulation was found to range from 0.9 to 5.5 mg/ 100 ml.8 In recent years it has been emphasized that the concentration of many of the constituents of saliva varies with flow rate'" and that the composition of the saliva produced by the individual glands differs.'0 In this paper we report the results of uric acid determination carried out in parotid and submandibular saliva collected at varying flow rates.Materials and Methods The three male and three female volunteers studied were convalescent patients and members of the hospital staff. None had gout