Zachmann, M., Girard, J., Duc, G., Illig, R. and Prader, A. (Departments of Pediatrics, Universities of Zurich and Basel, Switzerland). Low urinary estriol during pregnancy caused by isolated fetal ACTH-deficiency. Acta Paediatr Scand, Suppl. 277: 26, 1979.-In a 34-year-old pregnant woman, serum HPL and urinary HCG were normal, but urinary estriol was repeatedly low. A normal boy was delivered after 38 weeks gestation. During the neonatal period, he had hypoglycemia, muscular hypotonia and transient hyperbilirubinemia. The ACTH-test was normal, hut the THS-response to metyrapone was low. Serum ACTH did not respond to insulin and metyrapone. Growth hormone, TSH and gonadotropin responses to stimuli were normal. Treatment with hydrocortisone resulted in disappearance of the symptoms. It is concluded that fetal ACTH-deficiency is one of the specific endocrine causes of low maternal estriol.KEY WORDS: ACTH-deficiency, urinary estriol, metyrapone test, placental sulphatase deficiency Determinations of estriol (E,) in urine of pregnant women are widely used to monitor fetal well-being. In general, low values indicate placental insufficiency and fetal distress. In few instances, however, pregnancy progresses normally. In this situation, specific endocrine defects of the fetus or the fetoplacental unit may be the cause of reduced E,.In the following, we present evidence suggesting that low maternal E, excretion may be caused by isolated ACTH-deficiency of the fetus.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe following trivial names and abbreviations are used: ACTH = adrenocorticotrophic hormone DHA = dehydroepiandrosterone = 3p-hydroxy-androst-E, = estriol = 1.3.5(10)-estratriene-3,16a,l7/?-triol F = cortisol = hydrocortisone = 17p,17a,21-trihydro-FSH = follicle stimulating hormone GH = growth hormone 170HP = 17-hydroxy-progesterone = l7a-hydroxy-pregn-ITT = insulin tolerance test LH = luteinizing hormone LHRH = luteinizing hormone releasing hormone PRL = prolactin 5-en-17-one xypregn-4-ene-3-,20-dione 4-ene-3,20-dione T, = thyroxine T, = triiodothyronine THE = tetrahydrocortisone = 3a, 17,2l-trihydroxy-SP-THS = tetrahydrocortexolone = 3a, 17,21-trihydroxy-5P-pregnan-20-one Urinary E, in pregnancy was determined according to Brown et al. (6), urinary Porter-Silber chromogens according to Peterson & Pierce (21). Urinary THS (after single dose metyrapone, 35) and THE (before and after synthetic depot-ACTH 1 mg/m2 i.m.) were analyzed by gas chromatography on a glass capillary column (15, 32).Urinary 16-hydroxylated steroids were also assessed by gas chromatography (25).The following hormones in plasma and serum were measured radioimmunologically: ACTH (8) before and after insulin (4 IU/m2 i.v.) and 4 hours after metyrapone (500 mg/m2 p.0.). Routine radioimmunoassay procedures were used for determinations of cortisol and 170H-progesterone before and after synthetic ACTH (250 pg/m2 i.v.), testosterone and DHA-sulphate under basal conditions, GH before and after insulin (4 IU/m2 i.v.) and arginine (0.5 g/kg i.v.), TSH before and after TRH (200...